
Via Biagioni 371, Querceta, LU 55047
Via Biagioni 371, Querceta, LU 55047
Via Biagioni 371
Querceta, LU 55047


since 1977

About VNEWe work for you since 1977

VNE was born in 1977 in Seravezza thanks to the intuition and courage of its founder Nicolino Verona.

Like many Italian companies, VNE was born as a small family business but over the years, day after day, the company has been able to write and tell its story to a constantly growing audience. Since 2004, the second generation of the Verona family joined the company; Lorenzo, born in 1978, since he was a boy has participated with his family in the making of this exciting story and in the realization of a very successful journey. VNE has always designed and manufactured money handling machines, payment terminals, service terminals, and in general all automated machines that can handle payments, cash outs, purchases, providing services for both cash and electronic payments. VNE is a company that develops everything in-house thanks to its research and development BUs, from the hardware design, software design, production department to the service and repair department and also offers rental services operating through its own subsidiary company.

VNE becomes S.p.a.

In 2023, VNE SRL becomes VNE SPA and is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange Market in the Euronext segment. Lorenzo Verona is the CEO and his mission is to manage an international company with an industrial production that can, however, provide a product and service tailored to the individual customer like a tailor’s suit while maintaining that typical family business attitude that characterises and distinguishes the social and economic structure of our country.

VNE is therefore an Italian company that looks at the future with passion, courage, and determination to achieve new and exciting goals.

VNE is an international company with a presence in Europe and many non-EU countries and controls a company in Spain (VNE Espana) and a company in Colombia (VNE Colombia) in order to be able to offer its services extensively.

HistoryHistory of our company

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